Why Buy Local
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How to Order
Exceptional Exceptions
Why Buy Local
In the Midwest, we can't always buy food that is grown locally, (due to growing seasons, climate, availability.) Therefore we also proudly offer quality products and foods from other regions as needed. But here are some good reasons to try to “eat local” whenever possible, and some thoughts on supporting Local Businesses of all kinds...
.....................Why Buy Local?.......................
 Local Food is Healthier for your family:
l        Did you know that the cell structure of produce begins to decline as soon as it is picked?
Produce from big corporate farms in the California Valleys (or from overseas) has to be picked long before it is mature – sometimes transit time can be as long as 2 weeks! This deprives the fruit/vegetable of additional nutrients the host plant would have continued to supply if it had been left to ripen on the vine. Local growers don't have to factor in the long travel time, so can leave the produce on the plant days (or even weeks!) longer, which improves moisture content and nutritional value.
l        Did you know that food travels an average of 1500 miles from farm to table?
Imagine how you would feel after a 1500 mile trip -- Wilted!
Local food travels a drastically shorter distance, and is normally delivered within hours of being picked -- so the produce is packed in boxes a shorter period. Your food arrives on your table in a much fresher state.
l        Did you know that fruits and vegetables breathe?
Their respiration is a gas called “ethylene”, and the boxed/packed produce suffers from long exposure to its' own gas elimination – much as you would suffer if you were forced to keep breathing your own CO2 respiration without fresh oxygen.
........Obviously: Less time on the road and in the box = Healthier produce!........
 Local food is good for the Local Economy.
Wouldn't you rather that your dollars circulate in our own community, with our own neighbors -- strengthening local businesses? The more of our own money stays in Kansas City, the better economic health we will all enjoy! More money -- for jobs, schools, community development and local infrastructure.
Money spent on LOCAL food circulates in ourcommunity an average of THREE times!
 Local food is better for the environment, too!
Think again about those 1200 average miles necessary to transport food to Kansas City. Every mile represents consumption of non-renewable resources, (gas and oil). Every transportation mile also creates air pollution –
    Every time you make the choice to “buy local” you help save our planet!. .
Why Buy Local
Our Suppliers
How to Order
Exceptional Exceptions